My website is blocked by robots.txt | Forums

Hi! When I go to “”, it's mentioned: User-agent: * Disallow: /. # This file was generated on Wed, 08 May 2019 10:15:15 + ...

blocked by robots error | Forums

I got a message Google Search Console telling me that there's a 'New reason preventing your pages from being indexed.

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Blocked by robots.txt despite allowing all URLs -

Hi. Google Search Console won't index my homepage or any other page because they are being blocked by robots.txt. While developing my site, ...

Some important page is blocked by robots.txt -

This is the standard robots.txt file here at, and anything disallowed in it the search engines should not be looking at. Sitemap: http:// ...

robots.text file blocking Google in my website | Forums

When I search my website on Google I have the response below. I have tried looking for errors in the Google Search Console.

Site blocked by robots.txt but I cannot find where -

Google search console says this URL is blocked by robots.txt but I cannot see where or how. In the WP settings > reading — search engine visibility is on ...

Indexed but blocked by robots.txt -

We understand you're concerned with some pages on your website being blocked by robots.txt yet indexed in Google. We see that all the links mentioned in the ...

Google reports a problem with the robots.txt | Forums

Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt. It means Google found some URLs of your site that are indexed even though they are blocked in your robots.txt. This ...